To the kind and powerful Virgin Mary

Be ever mindful, o sweetest Virgin, that Thou art my Mother, and that I am thy child; that Thou art powerful and I am a poor human, weak and miserable. I beseech Thee, sweetest Mother, to govern and defend me in all my ways, and in all my doings.

Do not say, gracious virgin, that Thou cannot, for thy well beloved Son gave Thee all power in Heaven and on earth. Do not say that Thou shouldst not, for Thou art the common Mother of all poor mortals, and Thou art especially mine. If Thou were not able, I would excuse Thee, saying: ‘it is true that She is my Mother and She loves me as her child, but, poor thing, She has neither the means nor the power to help me.” If Thou wert not my Mother, I would resign myself saying: “She is rich enough to help me, but unfortunately, not being my Mother, She does not love me.”
However, O sweetest Virgin, since Thou art my Mother, and since Thou art powerful, how can I excuse Thee if Thou dost not come to strengthen me, and if Thou givest me no help and assistance? Thus, Thou seest how Thou shouldst answer all my requests. For the honour and glory of thy Divine Son, accept me as thy child, making no account of my wretchedness and sins. Free my soul and my body from all evin, and grant me all of thy virtues, especially humility. Grant me, finally, all the gifts, goods and graces that please the Blessed Trinity. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.