Even before they had reached their destination, an important lesson had been engraved on the hearts of those country children. The Angels are always at our side, eager to help us!
I was also hoping to do something special, but had not come up with an idea… Your Guardian Angel must have inspired you!
In the countries of Central Europe, where the winters are bitterly cold, the last days of summer have a special glow. A soft breeze blows across golden fields and birds cry out shrilly as if announcing their departure for warmer climes. The beech trees and the tall oaks rustle, the sunlight mixing with their leaves tinged with autumn tones.
Our tale unfolds against such a backdrop, in a village in the heart of the Bohemian woodlands. There, in Holy Angels Academy, something extraordinary is about to happen…
– Miss Helga, I would like to suggest a different sort of activity for our students, one that I believe will bring them great spiritual benefit.
– By all means, Miss Matilda! – replied the school directress to the teacher. – I was also hoping do something special, but had not yet come up with an idea… I believe your Guardian Angel must have inspired you. What do you have in mind?
– I’ve noticed real progress in the girls after returning from their summer holidays. They are more obedient and respectful. Their conversations are better and they ask for help if they don’t understand something… I think we should reward them with a surprise!
– Have you thought what that might be?
– Well, in our classes, we have studied the lives of various Saints who lived in our region, such as St. Ludmila, St. Wenceslaus and St. Agnes of Prague. There are several churches and sites around here that contain fabulous relics of these saints and I am sure that many of the children have never had the opportunity to visit them! Along with enhancing their devotion to these Saints, it would also make an excellent History and Religious Studies fieldtrip! What do you think? Can we start making arrangements?
– What a good idea, Miss Matilda! Your Angel has truly inspired you, since such an excellent suggestion could only come from Heaven! Will you plan the route we shall take and other small details such as the snack? I will take care of signing up the students and obtaining their parents’ permission.
– Yes, I would be delighted, Miss Helga! What date can we set for the excursion?
-Let’s make it for next Monday. Would that be all right?
– Perfect! The sooner the better…
The days leading up to the class trip were filled with eager expectation, since it was always a big event when the rural children ventured out of their own village.
On Monday, everyone gathered at the departure point which was the parish church. Constance, one of the top students, suggested saying a prayer to the Guardian Angels of each of the girls, asking for their protection against the dangers of the journey and to grow in devotion to the Saints that they would visit, as well as to the Blessed Virgin and her Divine Son, Jesus.
As was bound to happen, some of the girls teased Constance for her suggestion, since they thought there was no need to give the pleasant outing such a religious tone. But Constance, not being a timid or fearful type, stood up for her decision to consecrate the group to the Holy Angels. She explained to her friends that, contrary to what many people think, the heavenly spirits are not only concerned with keeping little children from tripping over stones along the way; they are powerful messengers who guide us at every moment and help us to overcome wicked snares.
Hearing her speak so enthusiastically, even the girls who had scoffed at Constance joined her in fervent prayer. Then they eagerly set out on their journey, having confided it to the care of the Holy Angels.
After making their way into the woodlands, they were caught in an unexpected rain shower. All the intrepid pilgrims ran for shelter under the foliage of a large tree to wait out the downpour.
After a few minutes, the huddled group was so absorbed in animated conversation that they hardly felt the time pass, or how cold and wet they were… But someone was missing from the circle.
It was Constance. What was she doing? Instead of laughing and playing she was using her time to talk with God and her Guardian Angel – she was praying. Although she had a lively personality, everyone knew that she also had a contemplative and prayerful bent, and no one insisted that she join the fun. As the children were busily entertaining themselves, Constance surprised them all by suddenly crying out in a loud voice:
– We must get out of here!
She pulled the girl beside her by the hand, and dashed away. The others,
taken by surprise and fright, followed, running as fast as their legs would carry them. No sooner had the twenty-five students vacated their shelter under the enormous tree than a lightning bolt struck it with flashing fury!
When they recovered from their fright, all of them turned in wonder to Constance to see her reaction. But she was calm and composed, as if nothing extraordinary had happened…
At that moment, the girls understood that the soul of their young classmate, so accustomed to interacting with the supernatural, was always receptive to the inspirations of her Guardian Angel. Yes, they had been saved from death by her faithful Guardian, and that of each one of them.
Even before reaching their destinations and visiting the sites of the relics they planned to venerate, a very important lesson had been engraved on the hearts of those country children.
The Angels are always at our side, eager to help us! We need only invoke them and take them as true friends.
Now the students really understood the Guardian Angel prayer they had learned when they were little, for they had
experienced the vigilant protection of the Holy Angels, who light and guard, who rule and guide us!
The rain stopped, but the angelic protection of the pious group continued. Throughout their pilgrimage they felt inspired, defended and accompanied by the heavenly spirits, whom God, as a loving and provident Father, had placed at their sides to accompany them.
Our tale unfolds against such a backdrop, in a village in the heart of the Bohemian woodlands. There, in Holy Angels Academy, something extraordinary is about to happen…
– Miss Helga, I would like to suggest a different sort of activity for our students, one that I believe will bring them great spiritual benefit.
– By all means, Miss Matilda! – replied the school directress to the teacher. – I was also hoping do something special, but had not yet come up with an idea… I believe your Guardian Angel must have inspired you. What do you have in mind?
– I’ve noticed real progress in the girls after returning from their summer holidays. They are more obedient and respectful. Their conversations are better and they ask for help if they don’t understand something… I think we should reward them with a surprise!
– Have you thought what that might be?
– Well, in our classes, we have studied the lives of various Saints who lived in our region, such as St. Ludmila, St. Wenceslaus and St. Agnes of Prague. There are several churches and sites around here that contain fabulous relics of these saints and I am sure that many of the children have never had the opportunity to visit them! Along with enhancing their devotion to these Saints, it would also make an excellent History and Religious Studies fieldtrip! What do you think? Can we start making arrangements?
– What a good idea, Miss Matilda! Your Angel has truly inspired you, since such an excellent suggestion could only come from Heaven! Will you plan the route we shall take and other small details such as the snack? I will take care of signing up the students and obtaining their parents’ permission.
– Yes, I would be delighted, Miss Helga! What date can we set for the excursion?
-Let’s make it for next Monday. Would that be all right?
– Perfect! The sooner the better…
The days leading up to the class trip were filled with eager expectation, since it was always a big event when the rural children ventured out of their own village.
On Monday, everyone gathered at the departure point which was the parish church. Constance, one of the top students, suggested saying a prayer to the Guardian Angels of each of the girls, asking for their protection against the dangers of the journey and to grow in devotion to the Saints that they would visit, as well as to the Blessed Virgin and her Divine Son, Jesus.
As was bound to happen, some of the girls teased Constance for her suggestion, since they thought there was no need to give the pleasant outing such a religious tone. But Constance, not being a timid or fearful type, stood up for her decision to consecrate the group to the Holy Angels. She explained to her friends that, contrary to what many people think, the heavenly spirits are not only concerned with keeping little children from tripping over stones along the way; they are powerful messengers who guide us at every moment and help us to overcome wicked snares.

As the children were busily entertaining themselves, Constance let out a loud cry: We must get out of here!
Hearing her speak so enthusiastically, even the girls who had scoffed at Constance joined her in fervent prayer. Then they eagerly set out on their journey, having confided it to the care of the Holy Angels.
After making their way into the woodlands, they were caught in an unexpected rain shower. All the intrepid pilgrims ran for shelter under the foliage of a large tree to wait out the downpour.
After a few minutes, the huddled group was so absorbed in animated conversation that they hardly felt the time pass, or how cold and wet they were… But someone was missing from the circle.
It was Constance. What was she doing? Instead of laughing and playing she was using her time to talk with God and her Guardian Angel – she was praying. Although she had a lively personality, everyone knew that she also had a contemplative and prayerful bent, and no one insisted that she join the fun. As the children were busily entertaining themselves, Constance surprised them all by suddenly crying out in a loud voice:
– We must get out of here!
She pulled the girl beside her by the hand, and dashed away. The others,
taken by surprise and fright, followed, running as fast as their legs would carry them. No sooner had the twenty-five students vacated their shelter under the enormous tree than a lightning bolt struck it with flashing fury!
When they recovered from their fright, all of them turned in wonder to Constance to see her reaction. But she was calm and composed, as if nothing extraordinary had happened…
At that moment, the girls understood that the soul of their young classmate, so accustomed to interacting with the supernatural, was always receptive to the inspirations of her Guardian Angel. Yes, they had been saved from death by her faithful Guardian, and that of each one of them.
Even before reaching their destinations and visiting the sites of the relics they planned to venerate, a very important lesson had been engraved on the hearts of those country children.
The Angels are always at our side, eager to help us! We need only invoke them and take them as true friends.
Now the students really understood the Guardian Angel prayer they had learned when they were little, for they had
experienced the vigilant protection of the Holy Angels, who light and guard, who rule and guide us!
The rain stopped, but the angelic protection of the pious group continued. Throughout their pilgrimage they felt inspired, defended and accompanied by the heavenly spirits, whom God, as a loving and provident Father, had placed at their sides to accompany them.