
Why Is Christmas Celebrated on December 25?

Why Is Christmas Celebrated on December 25? Many people have ventured to explain why the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ is celebrated on December 25. Is it the true date on which this event took place? The Census of Quirinius – Church of the Holy Saviour in Chora, Istanbul Countless events have occurred since […]

Innocent Preparation for Christmas

Innocent Preparation for Christmas The combination of all the details, even the smallest, that make up the Christmas atmosphere pays tribute, in some way, to that blessed night that saw the birth of the long-awaited Redeemer in the Grotto of Bethlehem. The City Hall of Gengenbach (Germany), decorated as an Advent calendar As Christmas celebrations […]


Advent The Two Comings of Our Lord The circle and the lozenge shape are held as the most perfect geometrical figures according to St. Thomas Aquinas, since they represent the movement of the effect that returns to its cause. Christ is the highest realization of this symbology because, in addition to being the principle of all […]

Christ, King of the Universe

Christ, King of the Universe The Blessed Trinity guards an extraordinary Secret, the revelation of which will manifest to the world the supreme royalty of Christ on this earth. Happy, indeed sublimely happy, are those to whom the Holy Spirit reveals it! True King! At the close of each liturgical cycle, the Church celebrates the […]

Consecrated to the Service of the Temple

Consecrated to the Service of the Temple The journey from Nazareth to the Holy City took three or four days. At any time of the year it was common to find families or groups of pilgrims on the roads of Israel, going up to Jerusalem or returning from it. With her attention always on the […]

The Exaltation of the Holy Cross

The Exaltation of the Holy Cross The exaltation of the Holy Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ is one of the most beautiful feasts of the Church, both in title and significance. First of all, let us consider what the word exaltation evokes. In common usage, pervaded with sentimentalism, an exalted individual is one who is highly […]

The Assumption of the Virgin Mary into Heaven

The feast of the Assumption is celebrated every year on August 15th. This commemoration is an invitation to meditate about the ineffable glory of the Virgin Mary, the Paradise of God.

Transfiguration of the Lord

Transfiguration of the Lord The Manifestation of the Lord’s Glory In leafing through the pages of the holy Gospels, we see that there is no other Transfiguration of Jesus besides the one of Tabor. It is true that after He resurrected, He appeared to the Apostles in the Cenacle (cf. Mk 16:14-18; Lk 24:36-49; Jn 20:19-29), to […]

Nativity of St John the Baptist

Nativity of St John the Baptist Predestined From All Eternity Apparition of the Angel to Zechariah – Church of St. John the Baptist, Halifax (Nova Scotia) With the celebration of the Vigil Mass, the Holy Church begins the Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, whose unequalled figure merited praise from the lips of […]

Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica

Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica The Church splendidly celebrates the feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica, which bears the honorific title of “Omnium urbis et orbis ecclesiarum mater et caput,” or “Mother and head of all churches of the city [of Rome] and of the world.” It is the Cathedral […]